Industrial photography Toggle

Marketing solutions for Australian transport and industry

An image of eroded typographic sign writing on the side of a truck with a background of blue sunny sky

It’s always nice when a publisher gets back in touch to shoot another cover for their magazine.
Australian transport and industrial magazine photo shoots require photographers to really look hard for image solutions.
When photographing heavy transport businesses and their vehicles, there’s no glamour to be found – everyone’s wearing high-vis, many people are reluctant to be photographed and portraits often require a truck’s bug-spattered front grill to be the background!
But I’ve learnt over the years that if you look hard enough, photographic beauty can be found anywhere – even for portraits in such locations.

Of course, extreme angles and other techniques such as shooting into the sun for a silhouette or lens flare effect are just a few of the photographic techniques that can add impact to otherwise mundane industrial photography subjects. But other compositions are easily found through an urban decay of sorts. The weathered typography of an old sign-writer’s work, for instance…

An image of eroded typographic sign writing on the side of trucks and shipping containers with a background of blue sunny sky

If you have a challenging business or subject that you need photographed for more attractive marketing collateral, please do get in touch.

Heavy industry, medium-light industry, haulage, storage, marine, industrial, cold storage, farming – I shoot Australia-wide.

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